

俚语 auste


A trustful, honest person, hates being in drama, always forgives you, they have really mixed emotions, always catches your eyes.
“Have you seen Auste today”

The Austs

Someone who is most defenetly the most amazing person in the world, and alwase will be
;O No wai, its The Austs!.


{Verb}(austed) (to aust) caught for illegally downloading movies, music, and GTA: San Andreas. Also used to say that a person is getting arrested for such matters.
1. That kid was austing some porn when the cops arrested him.
2. Dang, that kid was so close to getting austed by the cops.


1. The act of sexually abusing your phone.
2. The act of violating your phone in a sexual way.
1. Dude i austed my phone so hard last night that it ran out of battery.
2. My parents caught me austing last night....no phone privileges for a week!


a generic npc character in any table top role playing game (generally dungeons and dragons). the name aust is used when ever the dungeon master (story tell, game master)is asked on the spot for the name of an npc for which they do not have a name preselected.

another use is to make non important npcs. aust npcs can be very silly, stupid, or all around annoying because they will almost always have nothing to do with the games plot. they often serve as comic relieve, and are usually beaten up or killed by players and monsters alike.
definition 1:
(dm) you are in town, talking to the inns keeper
(player) alright, we want to stay in your inn mister... whats his name?
(dm) uh, its aust

definition 2:
(player) well, we need someone to show us where the ruins are, so i hired this guy
9aust) yeah, hey everyone, we're goin on an adventure yay! i hope im not eaten by a bear...


To have an existential crisis about history.
He just started going on a Mongolian Aust.


A name for a nameless, faceless NPC. this character is only involved in the background of the game and can be anyone from the blacksmith to the innkeeper.
DM: you enter the town of fafnor and the gate keeper approaches you.he says "Halt what business do you have in the town of fafnor

Player one: we are here to restock are supplies and buy new weapons.

DM: then you'll want to the storekeeper his name is aust




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