

俚语 mcdonald's syndrome

McDonald's Syndrome

Where you subconsciously start disliking something just because loads of people tell you that its great.
I finally watched that Slumdog Millionaire film last night, everyone was telling me it was the greatest film ever

Did you like it?

No, it was fucking shit!

Really? Sounds like you have got McDonald's Syndrome to me

Mcdonalds Syndrome

The disease of constantly spilling soday, on the ground your self, other people or just in general.
Kris -spills coke-
Sierra: WTF
Kris: Geeze sorry I have Mcdonalds Syndrome.

mcdonalds fries syndrome

when your face is hella greasy for no reason and it just doesn't stop.
its like your face is almost melting even tho its not
The short girl had a bad case of McDonalds fries syndrome.

Do you have McDonalds fries syndrome Sammy.




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