the crunkest kid in the state of new jersey.
Mcenroe was more crunk then lil' jon
a very cool kid from twp
matt mcenroe is one cool kid
A show that no one watches.
The only one i expect to read this definition is mcenroe himself. otherwise, i feel very sorry for u.
When you go into a store and put photos of John McEnroe in the picture frames. This can also be done in a household, so long as no one knows.
Hey pal, lets go down to HomeGoods and do some McEnroeing!
McEnroe Moment
A momment in a tennis palyer's carrer in which they become enraged over the smallest thing.
McEnroe Moment examples
Serena Williams: "i feel like sticking this ball down your fucking throat"
Roger Federer: "Don't tell me to be quiet ok when i want to talk i'll talk, i don't give a shit what he said.
Serena Williams: "i feel like sticking this ball down your fucking throat"
Roger Federer: "Don't tell me to be quiet ok when i want to talk i'll talk, i don't give a shit what he said.
John McEnroe
A drink concocted with 2 shots of Bacardi 151, 3 shots of Evan Williams Bourbon, and Cherry/Regular Coke. Drink while watching tennis
We drank John McEnroes while watching tennis.
Full McEnroe
Produced when a man of advanced years reveals his over sized package in racy European style underwear to a partial stranger. See also, "Full Banana"
That old man just gave me the Full McEnroe.