

俚语 mcfluffy


A pussy that looks so delicious, you can eat it all day long.
"I could really go for a Mcfluffy right now!"

Nutty McFluffy

A nick name for someone with fluffy nuts.
Johnny has a shower in the morning. He blow dries his pubes and looks down to see they are all fluffy.

"Oh no, it looks like I have a Nutty McFluffy today...Oh well, better get out the straightner!"

mr. mcfluffy disease

when you are itchy all over and not sure of the cause: when anything irritates your skin such as fabrics, pets, soaps and you keep scratching yourself and can't stop
This all started when I used a cheap generic fabric softener in the dryer. I forgot the name of it, but the word "fluffy" was in the name. Everyone in the household started itching and scratching the next few days. So now when anyone is scratching for any reason, they say " I think I have a case of Mr. McFluffy disease!!!!"

lady pancakes mcfluffy

A name to describe a very manly woman. A woman who likes other women.
Look at her! She's such a lady pancakes mcfluffy.


Another name for a fluffy doggy
"That's my boy, my little mcfluffy!"


What Danno Cal Draw's mom calls the McFlurry.
"When you drink the McFlurry, you get fluffy, so it's a McFluffy!"

Agent McFluffy

A man with a dream. Vagina.
All men are like Agent McFluffy




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:58:54