

俚语 mcqueen's


Only the best last or first name in the world. If your name is McQueen, you're probably lightning-fast and good at sports.
Damn, McQueen is so fast.


Of or like Steve McQueen. A man's man. Cool, tough, confident, kick-ass.
My bro Paul lives like McQueen.


A large cock
Wow that guy last night had a McQueen!


Extremely drunk. The point of intoxication where you begin to lay on the ground and hang on poles.
Yo, that Henny had me feeling real McQueen last night.


A celebrity or public figure whom no one has ever heard of until his or her death prompts people on social networking sites to gnash their teeth and rend their clothing with remorse about his or her passing, thus bringing his or her previous existence to the attention of the general public.
Person A) I heard that Poncifous Telemog just had a heart attack.

Person B) Wait, who?

Person A) Oh, I don't know, some McQueen monologist.


Hetero anal sex. Apparently, Steve had an up the chocolate cave only policy with his lady friends. (Unverified fact)
I gave my girlfriend a McQueen for Christmas this year.


McQueen is a derogatory word used to describe when your partner places clear tubing in your anus, fills it with water and then places two Siamese Fighting Fish in it for a poo battle royale. The remains of the loser are then passed out, while the winner takes up residence in your bowels.
She gave me a viscous McQueen the other day.

Did you bet on the McQueen fight on tuesday!? Mr Bubbles won me a fortune.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:33:42