a really beautiful girl, has rockin hips, a great smile, an all around great person, kinda quite, loves to laugh, and likes to party
Man, that girl that girl, Abby is a mease.
Meanie + teasing
Hey, I hope you don't think I was measing you earlier
1. A horrible, horrible person who can do nothing positive for anyone, has the uglyiest breasts, and smells like weed constantly. 2. A fuck-up 3. Someone whose basement totally rules.
Man, that Mease sure sucks ass, let's never hang out with him ever. Unless it's in his basement.
meskwaki indian word for poop,do-do,cow-pies,shit.
I have too take a wiked mease!!!
the plural of moose
The mease were in the meadow.
mease ass
One whose personality or personal sense of style is so ridiculous you can't help but think of a word to describe it. Ex. A white kid with a purple doo-rag playing basketball. Takes the place for a duesche-bag. Can also be shortened to mease.
Hey look at J.P. over there playing basketball what a mease ass.
Substitute for messed
I meased that up so badly.