

俚语 meat beater

Meat Beaters

Refers to some ones hands in a offensive manor.
Keep your meat beaters off my nachos hooker!

Meat beaters

Meat Beaters are a hands. The reference is derived from men who beat the meat.
Friend 1: "Hey what's this?"
Friend 2: "What the hell get your meat beaters off my shit!"

Meat Beater

Some little geeky nerd who plays with himself and smiles cheesily all th etime. You always catch him with his hands around his crotch or somethin
You little meat beater, get your fuckin hands outta your pants.

Meat beater

a person who masterbaits way to much.
yo Scott is a meat beater.

Meat beater

A person who uses a giant piece of meat as a punching bag
person 1: dude check it, that guy is using that giant meat as a punching bag
person 2: he’s a meat beater

Meat beater

People who beat their cows and chickens penises
The farmer across the road likes to beat his meat-the meat beater friend

Meat beater

Some who likes to punch ground beef
This is jaquevious, our top meat beater at the factory




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更新时间:2024/9/20 22:21:53