

俚语 meatlock


Very saggy breasts; Usually long enough to touch the middle of the abdomen. When doing push-ups, they will touch the ground, even with the arms fully extended.
Justine has some pretty nasty meatlocks.


Meatlocks are fat, girthy arms on women that look like they could choke out Lou Ferrigno.
Greg: Go ask that chick to dance.
Me: Which one?
Greg: The one with the meatlocks.
Me: No thanks, faggot
Greg: Hahaha!

I tried to go all "Over the Top" on that bitch but her meatlocks put me out of business. She was one tough customer.


Basically its a vagina, if you put it together in your head it makes sense. Ask yourself the question, what locks meat?
I am going to punch her in her meatlocker tonight.


Term used for woman whose only use in a relationship is for sex
Guy 1: Hey, whose that chick you was with the other day

Guy 2: Oh her?.. she's my little MeatLocker

Muppet Meatlocker

The act of fisting a someone whilst wearing a muppet hand-puppet.
Guy 1: How'd your date go last night?
Guy 2: Dude i absolutely gave him the Muppet Meatlocker. he loved it!

Girl: I heard from your girlfriend you gave her the Muppet Meatlocker.
Guy: Yeah, she told me it was great as a one time thing.


When so much meat is consumed that the digestive process stalls
Following Christmas dinner I had such bad meatlock it took until NYE to recover




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