

俚语 megamonothálamosaphobia


Mega (Greek): large
Monothálamos (Greek): unicellular
Phobia (Greek): fear

Irrational fear of unicellular organisms that do not play by the surface area-to-volume ratio rule. Someone with Megamonothálamosaphobia will feel a certain out-of-body, exotic discomfort coupled with existential dread and feelings of inevitable doom when thinking about or seeing large cells visible to the naked eye, such as the 4cm-9cm long Valonia ventricosa algae.

To self-diagnose yourself with Megamonothálamosaphobia, look up "Sailor's Eyeball" and "Largest unicellular organisms" on Google and start exploring. People with Megamonothálamosaphobia may experience a spectrum of negative emotions from "mild discomfort" to "nonconsensual Satanic ritual sacrifices of the KKK persuasion".
Why does Kimmith look like she just saw the holy ghost and is regretting every atheistic declaration she has ever made as hallucinations of Hell engulf her nonexistent soul that she sold to the Devil via depressive and curiosity-driven bargaining?

Oh, she just saw a giant cell. Kimmith has Megamonothálamosaphobia.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:06:06