A challenging series of workouts led by Beachbody super trainer Megan Davies that consists of 2 live streaming workouts a day; spanning 3-4 days in a row.
These workouts occur once a month on the Beachbody on Demand Interactive workout platform and are designed to increase strength, improve cardio and endurance and burn fat.
These workouts occur once a month on the Beachbody on Demand Interactive workout platform and are designed to increase strength, improve cardio and endurance and burn fat.
Man, I still can’t walk up the stairs after doing the Megathon last week!
When you watch all the episodes of all the seasons of an entire TV series over a short-period of time. i.e. a mega marathon.
I haven't left my house in a week, I've been megathoning 24.
Let's see, I have two weeks between when my job ends and school starts. And I haven't seen The Wire yet. You know what, I think I'm going to megathon it.
Let's see, I have two weeks between when my job ends and school starts. And I haven't seen The Wire yet. You know what, I think I'm going to megathon it.
The American Megathon
First, you pour gasoline into your penis. Then, you travel to the Grand Canyon. After arriving, you run to the beginning of the canyon, with the gasoline still in your penis, and light your penis on fire. You then proceed to balance on a tightrope, naked, while peeing out the fire, also known as the Ecuadorian Flamethrower and wrestling a bear, whilst eating bee's. You win if you make it across the canyon, without dying. Oh, and you need a vagabond to be at the end of the tightrope, to give to the bear.
Tom: "I just did the American Megathon! I could really go for a Cheerwine right now."
Steven: "Be sure to make it a Cheerwine bomb when you're done."
Steven: "Be sure to make it a Cheerwine bomb when you're done."