Mehrun is Arabic/Muslim Girl name and meaning of this name is "Beautiful; Brave".
Based on numerology value 7, Mehrun is Analytical, understanding, knowledgeable, studious, independent, fearless, investigative, proof oriented, practical Spiritual, Intelligent, Reserved, Mysterious, & Intuitive.
Based on numerology value 7, Mehrun is Analytical, understanding, knowledgeable, studious, independent, fearless, investigative, proof oriented, practical Spiritual, Intelligent, Reserved, Mysterious, & Intuitive.
If you are sad Mehrun is make you happy
A sexy man beast that likes to play the clarinet. He gets girls pregnant just by looking at them.
Mehrun got me pregnant while I was skating!
Mehrunes Dagon
Daedric god of destruction, change, revolution, energy, and ambition, from the Elder Scrolls series. Often depicted as a giant demon with 4 arms. Obsessed with fusing Nirn with Oblivion. Started the Oblivion Crisis and got his ass kicked by the end of the third era.
"For lord Dagon!"
"Welcome to the shrine of Mehrunes Dagon"
"Welcome to the shrine of Mehrunes Dagon"