

俚语 mein kampfing

Mein Kampfing

The act of camping while playing Call of Duty World at War, since most of the game takes place in Nazi Germany
Jim: (Whilst Playing CoD WoW) "Yo dude I keep dying, where am I getting shot from"

Dave: "Aw dude Hans is Mein Kampfing up in the tower, what a fag"

Mein Kampf

Book written by Adolf Hitler during his imprissionment in 1921 detailling his philosophies about Germany and its need for power, and later he added a second part in which his anti-semetic beliefs are outlined. Ultimatly, it is revered as the Nazi philosophy book, but is actually a great source for history at the time *the first part, not the second*
Mein Kampf was written by Adolf Hitler

Mein Kampf

Justin Bieber's diary
Guy 1: Dude, I just found a leaked copy of Mein Kampf on the internet, dude!
Guy 2: Dude, holy shit, dude! Dude, can I see it, dude?
Guy 1: Dude, yeah, dude!

Mein kampf

My favorite book.
"Why do you have a copy of mein kampf?"
"Because that shits my favorite book nigga"

Mein Kampf

Minecraft in german. Totally not lying
Kyle: I love Mein Kampf.
Mike: What! How can you love that book?
Kyle: I meant the german version of Minecraft.
Mike: Oooooh, right. Wait a sec, you're trolling me aren't you?

Mein Kampf

Book written by Adolf Hitler, dictator of Germany during WW2.

Mein Kampf was a recommendation in Oprah's Book Club.

Mein Kampf

Means My Struggle. This book was written by Adolf hitler and second to the bible, has sold more copies than any book ever written.
a book to see inside the head of evil. Mein kampf will show you what a dictator thinks




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