

俚语 melenial


STupid people are melenials. they wear stupid winter hats all year round because they think it's cool.
Caitlin is a melenial. She thinks wearing her beanie hat is totally normal. She is an ass.



Meleny is beautiful girl , she's super nice , she cares for people so much ,the best smile ever its just perfect , has beautiful eyes that are just perfect . very sporty she loves to make people laugh . Meleny will do anything to see a smile on your face , she wants her friends and the people she loves to be happy .

Meleny is amazing , has a million followers , bunch of friends , life of the party , a bit shy if you just met her or if you're super cute .
Meleny is a great kisser too .
she's a perfect girlfriend , a little hard to understand but she'll try her best in the relationship , you need a Meleny in your life , if you don't you miss out on a lot . if you ever give up or leave a Meleny I swear you'll regret it . you'd be really dumb if you did btw . Meleny is a unique person . she has an amazing voice that will just leave you amazed , she has perfect hair , she has a sexy body that will leave you drooling over her . Meleny cares a lot , if she's in a relationship she's committed , yea she's super jealous .
but other than that , Meleny is Perfect , Asian eyes , beautiful hair .
if you don't know a Meleny , You need to find one now .
" Bro she's cute , she's definitely a Meleny "


Meleni is loveing caring and loves to make people laugh. She’s courageous and brings a party to life. She loves her friends like another thing in the world except family. If her friends family or teammates are sad or down she will try to make them happy or laugh because that is her special talent. She may be different but no more different than the world without Meleni.If you know a Meleni then you’re lucky because she has a big heart .usually with brown eyes,Long brown hair with curls unless cut.Lastly she’s the odd one out but that’s what makes her special
MELENI Is one of a kind . She’s been through a lot but she’s brave courageous and bruised but for her scars don’t last long and don’t hurt very much because she’s a champ as in that she’s amazing beautiful and shouldn’t change for anyone .


A very kind person you will ever meet once you break her trust she well dislike you but she is to kind so she well forgive you she don’t take shit from nobody she well laugh very weird but be extremely smart, everybody loves her.
boyfriend: I love you
Melenie: jeksnskqhfbeksmsnndjejs ( weird laugh)


The THURLEST chick you'll ever meet! With a fat ass and good looks. Oh and she's smart.
Damn that's Melenie ?


Melenie is a very beautiful young lady. Is often Mexican. Has long wavey hair. Has a hard time talking to people.
Guy 1: "i saw this girl with very beautiful hair today"
Guy 2:"it was probably a melenie"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:36:00