

俚语 mental day

mental day

The act of skipping either a event, such as school, or work, in order to clear your head, and de-stress from the overwhelming reality of life.

(also known as mental day off)
Guy #1: Dude, where were you in school today?
Guy #2: Oh, I was taking a mental day off from all that Calculus work.
Guy #1: I feel you, bro, I feel you....

Mental Health Day

A day off from work or school during which you sort out all your emotional and psychological problems.
Parent: Don't you have a test today?
Student: Yeah, but I'm taking a mental health day. I'll make it up tomorrow.

mental health day

When you call in sick to work. But you really just want to take a day off and chill out.
Yeah, on Monday I took a mental health day and went on a daycation. It was so relaxing.

Mental Health Day

A quasi-legitimate excuse to take a day off from school or work. Although the person who takes the day off claims he needs it to finish up some work and regain sanity from the rat race, he usually ends up sleeping in, masturbating and accomplishing less than nothing.
J.C. said he took a mental health day to catch up with work and relax, but instead, spent the whole day fantasizing about Jamie.

Mental Illness Day

This day celebrates the existence of Dreamgenders, Dreamsexuals, Animesexuals and Zoophiles.

Literally no one celebrates it.
Degenerate: "Hey lets celebrate Mental Illness Day!"

Sane Person: "what"

Degenerate: "I'm dreamgender"

Sane Person: "please go outside for once for gods sake"

National “Have a Mental Breakdown” Day

A day, where you must have at least 1 mental breakdown.
September 26th
Bob: What day is it?
Jack: It’s September 26th, that means it’s National “Have a Mental Breakdown” Day!
Bob: Oh cool… I’ll be in my room for a while, don’t come in for about an hour…

National “Have a Mental-Breakdown” Day

When: September 26th

A day when you’re supposed to have at least 1 mental breakdown.
Bob: Oi Jack, what day is it today?

Jack: It’s September 26th, and it’s National “Have a Mental-Breakdown” Day!

Bob: Oh cool! Well, I’ll be in my room having a breakdown, so please leave me alone for about 20min.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 15:37:57