The sudden discharge of accumulated tension that occurs when successfully merging two git branches without any merge conflicts.
$ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
$ git merge clean_up
Updating 3852b4d..ec6888b
blue_octocat.txt | 1 -
octocat.txt | 1 -
octofamily/baby_octocat.txt | 1 -
octofamily/momma_octocat.txt | 1 -
red_octocat.txt | 1 -
5 files changed, 5 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 blue_octocat.txt
delete mode 100644 octocat.txt
delete mode 100644 octofamily/baby_octocat.txt
delete mode 100644 octofamily/momma_octocat.txt
delete mode 100644 red_octocat.txt
Nerd 1: How did the merge go?
Nerd 2: Perfect, total mergegasm.
Nerd 1: Nice.
Switched to branch 'master'
$ git merge clean_up
Updating 3852b4d..ec6888b
blue_octocat.txt | 1 -
octocat.txt | 1 -
octofamily/baby_octocat.txt | 1 -
octofamily/momma_octocat.txt | 1 -
red_octocat.txt | 1 -
5 files changed, 5 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 blue_octocat.txt
delete mode 100644 octocat.txt
delete mode 100644 octofamily/baby_octocat.txt
delete mode 100644 octofamily/momma_octocat.txt
delete mode 100644 red_octocat.txt
Nerd 1: How did the merge go?
Nerd 2: Perfect, total mergegasm.
Nerd 1: Nice.