An individual who, even though lacking in expertise, will flaunt their superior knowledge to others at random times in order to either appear more intelligent, out-smart others around them to make themselves feel more intelligent, or try to 1-up you to keep themselves from looking less intelligent.
The act of displaying ones intelligence through unsolicited demonstrations.
A word used to describe responses or behaviors given by those who are trying to appear more intelligent.
An individual who, even though lacking in expertise, will flaunt their superior knowledge to others at random times in order to either appear more intelligent, out-smart others around them to make themselves feel more intelligent, or try to 1-up you to keep themselves from looking less intelligent.
The act of displaying ones intelligence through unsolicited demonstrations.
A word used to describe responses or behaviors given by those who are trying to appear more intelligent.
"Johnny's being a me-so-smart again! He keeps randomly throwing random Spanish phrases into his sentences to make it seem like he knows Spanish."
"I'm trying to fix this guy's computer, but he keeps pulling a me-so-smart and taking over before I get a chance to do anything!"
"Did you really just lecture an expert salesmen about the importance of good eye-contact? That was a real me-so-smart move man..."
"Johnny's being a me-so-smart again! He keeps randomly throwing random Spanish phrases into his sentences to make it seem like he knows Spanish."
"I'm trying to fix this guy's computer, but he keeps pulling a me-so-smart and taking over before I get a chance to do anything!"
"Did you really just lecture an expert salesmen about the importance of good eye-contact? That was a real me-so-smart move man..."