

俚语 metallic cock slam

Metallic Cock Slam

A sexual feat that requires either the ownership of an automobile, or a temporary rental of one. A male walks into his garage, a grin slowly develops across his face. He opens the hood of his car and clamps the jumper cables to each one of his ass cheeks. Positive on the left, negative on the right. An associate enters the vehicle, starts the motor and revs the engine before the male vigorously, and simultaneously, slams the hood of the car onto his cock, letting out a shriek of enjoyment while several thousand volts of electricity are sent straight to his ass. This was first done in Grand Forks, ND by local resident Partin Mozniak while working on his Volkswagon Beetle one day.
Colin: Hey can you help me out with something in the garage?
Cal: Sure thing!
Colin: Alright hop in the car and start it.
Cal: Alright....
*Engine Starts and Revs*
Cal: This is the third time you've done the Metallic Cock Slam this week....




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