MetaTron World
Metatron World or Meta Tron World also known as Meta Tron Verse is a metaverse, universe, and nftverse created by Meta is Dope. Metatron world is the thematic universe created as the backdrop of the Meta is Dope comic book company, Meta is Dope NFT company, and Meta is Dope Films. Inspired by the angel Metatron, Metatron's world manufactures Trons or offspring of Metatron and these Trons create balance throughout the Multi-Universes. You can find Meta Tron world in the book “Secrets in Space” on Amazon Kindle. Created by Meta is Dope Founders Jennifer Ruff and Pop Buchanan. Learn more about Metatron World at
Metatron world is the next Dc it Marvel bro. It is like NFTverse fused with the Metaverse and gave birth to over 1000 characters. Wait to read the books and see the NFts.