

俚语 methylating


When you have to fart in bed, but you hold it just long enough so you can press your ass against your partner's butthole and transfer the methane into them. Methylating is the life essential biochemical process of transferring a methyl group to another compound. Poor methylators require regular supplementation to maintain their health but are often resistant to following their required regimen.
Thomas was pretty butthurt about you methylating him last night.

OMG! He's such a poor methylator. He needs to stop being a little man-child and grow the fuck up.

methylated grill

A term denoting the very visible damage to dentition inevitably caused by long term crystal meth use and which is usually accompanied by unnatural weight loss/muscular wasting and an acne-mottled and/or pasty complexion. The unattractive smile typically displayed by a skelatrix.

Marcus: "Hey He Man, check out your arch rival standing there at the edge of the bar." Bob: "you mean the skinny girl over there with the big hair?" Marcus: "Yeah, that's what's her name. . . Parish Chilton . . with the methylated grill.

Bob: "You're crazy, Marcus, if you're suggesting that I'm . . ." Marcus: "Chill, Bobby Brown, I know you're already hittin' that!"

methyl orange

A pH indicator (most commonly) used in acidic conditions.
In acidic conditions methyl orange is red but in neutral / basic conditions it is yellow.


2-methyl-2-butanol is a tertiary alcohol which is 20 times stronger than regular ethanol (alcohol). 2-methyl-2-butanol doesn't produce aldehydes as a metabolite and instead, produces 2-methyl-2-butanyl gluconoride and 2-methyl-2,3-butanediol. Meanwhile, ethanol produces acetaldehyde, a moderately toxic aldehyde, before becoming the harmless acetic acid. As a result, there is no hangover from 2-methyl-2-butanol but there is a temporary hangover from ethanol. The dose range of 2-methyl-2-butanol is 2ml to 12ml+.
2-methyl-2-butanol can be made from ethyl chloride by the grignard reaction from an ethyl magnesium chloride intermediate reacting with acetone and then a hydrochloric acid work-up.

Chemical formula
Molar mass
88.150 g/mol
Colorless liquid
0.805 g/cm3
Melting point
−9 °C; 16 °F; 264 K
Boiling point
101 to 103 °C; 214 to 217 °F; 374 to 376 K
Solubility in water
120 g·dm−3
soluble in water, benzene, chloroform, diethylether and ethanol
Terry: I drank 8ml of 2-methyl-2-butanol and I'm dissolved. I'm drunk!

*The next day
Terry: Hey! There's no hangover!

Blue N-Methyl-Modafinil

Blue N-Methyl-Modafinil is N-Methyl-Modafinil powder or pills which are blue. It's similar to Adrafinil, Modafinil, Armodafinil, Fladrafinil, Flodafinil (Flmodafinil), Hydrafinil (Fluorenol), Wakix, and Sunosi.
Tony: I tried 200mg of N-Methyl-Modafinil and was focusing on my homework and then cleaned and played videogames for 12+ hours. Then I showered, ate, and slept 5 hours and woke up feeling refreshed. Thanks Blue N-Methyl-Modafinil.


A reasonable name for ethanol (alcohol), which breaks IUPAC naming rules for molecules. Can be used when alcohol is brought up in conversation, but you don’t want eavesdropping adults to know that you’re into underage drinking
*high school student in class, talking to other students*
“Who’s getting the methyl-methanol tonight?”




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