

俚语 metro sexual"

metro sexual"

An urban male with a strong aesthetic sense who spends a great deal of time and money on his appearance and lifestyle.
At dinner the other night, my date listed the calorie count of the main entrees, raising an eyebrow at my chicken Alfredo selection after he had ordered a salad. I saw him check his reflection in the silver water pitcher three times. During dessert, he looked deeply into my eyes and told me he thought what we have together is very special. It was our third date.

It was then that I realized why my dating life has been as mysterious as the Bermuda Triangle since I arrived in Washington. This city, unlike any other place I've lived, is a haven for the metrosexual. A metrosexual, in case you didn't catch any of several newspaper articles about this developing phenomenon (or the recent "South Park" episode on Comedy Central), is a straight man who styles his hair using three different products (and actually calls them "products"), loves clothes and the very act of shopping for them, and describes himself as sensitive and romantic. In other words, he is a man who seems stereotypically gay except when it comes to sexual orientation.


metro sexual is a modern enlighted, sort of renaissance man. Secure and confident, capable and cool, typically well educated and stylish. Heterosexual with a twist,not gay by any means,but he prob. has a few gay friends,can easily be mistaken for gay by rednecks and jock types. the only straight guy in a fabric store or antique shop who is not being dragged there by a woman.
the men who actually watch Queer Eye for style tips

Metro Sexual

An urban straight male ranging in age from late teens to mid 30's who is: good looking, stylish, fashionable, trendy, cultured, & well groomed. A metro sexual is very conscious about his image and looks in public. A metro sexual is often associated with getting manicures, facials, & massages, as well as using "products" and shopping at nice clothing stores. However, metro sexuals don't necessarily engage in each of these activities.
Freddie Prinze Jr, David Beckham, Alex Rodriguez

metro sexual

Modern enlightened, sort of rennasance man. Secure and confident, capable and cool, typically well educated and stylish. Heterosexual with a twist, not gay by any means, but he probally has a few gay friends, and can easily be mistaken for gay by rednecks and jock types. The only straight guy in a fabric store or antique shop who is not being dragged there by a woman.
"You're so metrosexual"

metro sexuality

when a straight guy acts gay
a guy who:
1. straightens his hair
2. wears designer clothes
3. listens to pop
4. has a voice a little bit higher than the average male
5. you would mistake for a gay, but is actually 100% straight
6. someone who gets pissed off very easily (emotional)
7. cries a lot
8. hangs out with girls
9. brags about hanging out with male friends
10. goes to the mall a lot
11. edits pictures on picnik

okay, so you're not gay, you aren't bi, but how could you be straight? there's only one reason for this! you have a metro sexuality

that guy in skinny jeans dancing to justin timberlake has a metro sexuality


Refers to someone who is straight but who practices good grooming, style, fashion sense, etc, but who is homophobic enough to worry it might get him labeled as "gay."
Don't gay bash me, I'm just metrosexual

Metro Sexual

(met.roh.SEK.shoo.ul) n. An urban male with a strong aesthetic sense who spends a great deal of time and money on his appearance and lifestyle.
—metrosexuality n.
You are totaly a Metro Sexual dude!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:14:29