

俚语 mexican massage

Mexican Massage

The premeditated act of pleasuring oneself in a hotel when housekeeping enters the room.
Man, you should have seen the look on the housekeeper's face when she walked in on me giving myself a Mexican massage!

Mexican massage

A massage without using ones hands.
Lisa: "Did you give her a Mexican massage?"
Buddy: "I am a gentleman!"

Mexican back massage

The act of directly farting on another person. To press your ass against their body and break wind.
After all that taco bell, I was really giving out the Mexican back massages.

Mexican eyeball massage

When you splash the tip of your Johnson with a dab of habañero hot sauce, and then proceed to poke your mate in the eyeball.
Let me tell you… Last night I went out to the local pub with the intent of playing billiards, and I received a Mexican eyeball massage from the softest local pirate. He had hair like a lady.




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