

俚语 mexican pocket

Mexican Spider Pocket

When a woman has shaved her pubes but, still has pubes in her vagina she has forgotten take care of. Then when she and a man get intimate the man's penis get trapped in her "web" of pubes thus, he is un-able to finish.
Dude did you her about Mitch and Amanda!? Apparently she had a Mexican Spider Pocket Mitch didn't know about.

mexican hot pocket

The act of unflolding a hide-a-bed, dropping a duce, and reflodling for some unexpected individual to find at a later time.
Last time i was at Walmart I left a mexican hot pocket in onw of their display models.

mexican hot pocket


A fecal sex act in which one partner, gender non specific, defecates into the vaginal cavity of a female lover and proceeds to enter the party with either their penis, or a penile substitute.
We all boil at different degrees. - Emerson

Steve Watanabe: Ken! Have you heard the word around the watercooler?

Ken Watanabe: You mean about the senior VP of proselytizing giving his secretary a mexican hot pocket in the video conferencing lab? Yeah - but I have to admit, bro, I don't know what that means.

Steve Watanabe: It's basic - what it means is, he took a deuce in her nethers, then charged in full speed ahead. If you get my drift.

Ken Watanabe: ... I'll never be able to handle a memo from him again.

Steve Watanabe: Don't be such a wimp - at least he's not a furry.

Pocket Mexican

A very small, short Mexican Man. He appears to be 14 years old, but is actually 21 or older. He also speaks and understands very little english.

Interesting Facts about The Pocket Mexican:
1. Enjoys the company of drunk plus size and extremely tall women, which makes him look even smaller than he is in reality.
2. Follows these women around night clubs hoping that they will eventually get so drunk that they will need a ride home. The Pocket Mexican can then pounce on the drunken women, providing him with the sexual pleasure he has been denied by women his own size.
3. Mating rituals resemble a small Chihuahua humping a NFL player's leg.
1. Hey, that Pocket Mexican bought me 3 shots of Tequila, I think he's trying to fuck me.
2. Have you seen that Pocket Mexican following Megan around?
3. Pedro is my Pocket Mexican, he doesn't mind that I'm 6'4" and he is 5'3".

Mexican hot pocket

to poop in a corn tortilla, sprinkle cheese, ground beef and or steak,diced green peppers, and tomatoes topped with a fine Mexican salsa before wrapping put in microwave till warm. while hot wrap and put in taco bell paper and bag it, give to friend or foe.
Nelson made the best Mexican hot Pocket for his friend Tido while he was drunk

Mexican Hot Pocket

When one man s**ts in another man's butthole.
Guy 1: "Where's andy?"

Guy 2: "Oh, him and scott are at the anal surgeon, they had mexican hot pockets at the party last night..."

Guy 1: "I wish hadn't heard that."

american blumpkin alaskin pipeline firedragon mexican hot pocket

The act of shitting in a condom and freezing it then using it as a dildo while the girl Is blowing you at the same time then when your about to ejaculate you stick your dick in her throat so that its comes out of her nose like a firedragon while at the same time

Getting a blumpkin on a fold able cough outside in new york
Dude I just your girlfriend an american blumpkin alaskin pipeline firedragon mexican hot pocket with you parents at the same time!!




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