

俚语 mexican roadblock


A Mexican-roadblock occurs on a two or more lane road where 2 (or more) cars are traveling next to eachother at the same speed (usually under the speed limit), not allowing the following traffic to pass. Most noticeable on the highway in a light traffic situation, where two cars stop the flow of traffic wishing to pass.
i was late to work because i got stuck behind stuck behind a mexican-roadblock


When after having sex with a mexican, you're feeling so patriotic you get up and build a wall between the two of you.
I finally got in with that latina chick at the bar last night. I was so in love with America afterwards that I built a wall to keep out foreigners.

Dude, you built a Mexican-Roadblock.

Mexican roadblock

(n) May be created intentionally or unintentionally- two cars driving next to each other at the exact same speed, thus preventing you and other cars behind from passing. Unbelievably frustrating, especially when you have somewhere to be.

Always happens when I'm late to work.

I try to move to the right lane to prevent creating a Mexican roadblock.

Mexican Roadblock

A group of mexicans who walk very slow and yell out loud in spanish. Usually a group of female foreign exchange students.
These foreign exchange students are making a mexican roadblock!




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