

俚语 mexican roulette

Mexican roulette

At a party or any other social function:

-Buy a box of condoms
-Take out one condom
-Take a pin and puncture the condom while in the wrapper
-Put the punctured condom back into the box
-Let people take the condoms freely

Much like russian roulette, this will end up with your life ending.
Person 1: "Did you hear Josh Chavez's cousins' friend got pregnant"?

Person 2: "Yeah, she was at a party a few weeks ago, we played mexican roulette".

Person 1: "You're going to hell".

Person 2: "I know".

Mexican roulette

A "birth control" method which is essentially unprotected sex primarily practiced within Latin American ethnicities and Catholic religious denominations. The rhythm method.
Person one: Why does Maria have so many kids?
Person two: Mexican Roulette!

Mexican roulette

When an individual clearly has to drop some brown, but instead tempts fate by squeezing out a series seemingly abundant farts... much like squeezing the trigger in traditional Russian roulette.

A winning participant is blessed with the gift of hilarious flatulence and clean underwear, while a loser has to deal with the unpleasantness of a shart.
Karl's totally petrified of public toilets - he ended up losing at Mexican roulette last night at the bar and had to cab it home with shitty pants. What a douche.

Mexican roulette

When you poke a hole in a random condom in the store and wait until someone accidentally get pregnant
"well, i cant blaim u, whenever im in cvs i like to go to the family planning isle and play a little Mexican roulette myself"

Mexican roulette

Mexican roulette can also refer to the game of russian roulette in with the the bullet is purposely put in such a sequense in the carrige that the first person to pull the trigger dies.
Mark was at a party when he saw his ex-girlfriend, and suggested that they play Mexican roulette. He loaded the gun and gave it to her and she blew her brains out.

mexican roulette

Mexican Roulette is similar to the game known as Russian Roulette. However, instead of bullets, your ammunition is your ass gas. One person farts, and the other returns fire. To win you must only fart, but not shart or soil yourself.
Travis'Mexican Roulette wheel had been spinning the entire weekend in Vegas. You sir have some serious flatulence!

mexican roulette

Russian roulette played with 6 bullets instead of 1.
Unload a few of these bullets from the chamber Alfonso, I don't feel like a round of Mexican roulette.




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