

俚语 mexican taco

Mexican Taco

Any vagina that is visibly ridden with STD(s).
I was going to bone her, but then I got too grossed out by her mexican taco.

Mexican Taco

Sexual intercourse and felatio with excremented genitalia.
Juan took a huge shit on Maria`s clitoris and pussyhole then plunged his cock into the steaming loaf forcing it into her pussyhole, after ejaculating on her clit he begins to munch on the Mexican Taco.

Mexican taco

Mexican pussy
Sammy s sisters pussy looked like a mexican taco

mexican taco

When 2 people are fucking cowgirl style and the girl shits on the guy and it gets spread between both of them.
Guy#1: Dude I was doing kelly last night and she mexican tacoed me.

Guy#2: Damn

Mexican Taco Melt

The act of shitting diarrhea into your mates pussy after eating really bad mexican food the night before and eating it back out.
Dennis said that he would love to give sally stothers a mexican taco melt. He is one sick fucking chino!

Smoking Mexican Taco

When a guy fucks a Mexican girl, ejaculates on her pussy lips and they sticks the butt end of a lit cigarette in the goo and lets it smoke.
"On Maria's birthday I gave her a Smoking Mexican Taco."

Mexican taco anal feedback

When you take a shit and it comes out like a sinker, but feels like a river.
Bro I just had the spiciest chicken wings. They gave me mexican taco anal feedback.




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