

俚语 mexican taxi

mexican taxi

When more than 1 1/2 times as many people as intended (rounded down) try to fit into a car. example: 5 people in a 3 seat car, 8 people in a 5 seat car, etc.
1: Dude, we crammed 9 people in my Jeep. We did a total Mexican Taxi.

2: Hey, get the fuck outta my car. This aint no mexican taxi.

mexican taxi

Ice cream cart (2 big wheels ) push by hand (hold 3 hombres)
by using mexican taxi we don't worry about US border patrol man.

Hay! senior better ride than under diesel truck NO!

also shanks mare takes longer get to LA

Mexican taxi

a paddywagon. it picks up and carries large amounts Mexicans to where they usually end up going...which is jail
Da'rryl: What kind of taxi picks up Mexican?

Mike: I dont know

Da'rryl: The mexican taxi aka the paddywagon

Mexican Taxi Cab

When people ride in the bed of the pickup.
We're going to take the Mexican Taxi Cab down to Home Depot to pick up a couple of landscapers.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:35:39