A boy who loves his girlfriend but won't show it.He loves to have fun and make others laugh.He is full of energy and loves to eat.He also has a big head and looks like a anorexic turtle.
I need a Michiah in my life.
A girl how doesn’t like many people but when she does she falls deep in love ! She has a hand full of friends and is in love with god.
Michiah is in love
A fun girl. She has a unique type of style she can be nean at some points she is always creative everybody she is around cant stop laughing she is amazingly funny. The guys get kinda scared to tall to her like they like her.
Hey my name is Michiah
Is very pretty can be insure sometimes. Has that one best that they love dearly.
Michiah is so loving I want to be her friend.
Dirty Michiah
A Dirty Michiah is when your mom names you Michiah so you never find your name on gift shop items and can never participate in fun name related internet games.
Bro, I'd be able to participate in so many more name related Facebook games if my mom didn't pull a dirty michiah.