

俚语 microjority


My new word MICROJORITY meaning an amount greater than 50% but less than 55% considered to be as 50/50 - Or in a non-binary example (where 3 or more split options exist) then a MICROJORITY result would be a where the largest of the results is within 5% points of the next lowest.
The word is used to demonstrate an amount/quantity split in parts where the largest part is only slightly greater than the next largest. Therefore Microjority gives a better prospective of the result.

'Micro' (from the Greek meaning small) 'jority' from 'Majority' meaning larger part/number, greater part/number, major part, main part, more than half but gives the impression of being much greater than 55%.

Example; A ballot of 10,000,000 voters where the result is 5,000,001 - 4,999,999. The majority is 1 vote but the vote should be referred to as a Microjority - not a Majority.
The UK - EU Brexit vote)48% voted to remain - vs - 52% to leave. Leave was won by a small majority - A Microjority.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:18:46