

俚语 avarie


Someone who is very active, wise, unique, and spunky. Can often be rambunctious and quite silly, also may have a temper. Though all and all, a fun person you would want at your party.
Hey you know that girl Avarie?
Yeah, she was one of the dancers at the show.


Of or pertaining to the word "Lame"

Pronouciation: Eh-Vah-Ree

1. A person who is out of touch with modern fads or trends, esp. one who is unsophisticated.

2. A person who is just not as cool as Jefferey.
Man you're Avarie.


A degenerate, plain and simple. Someone who searches furry porn in public and then searches prices of white vans that can be used to pick up little kids in.
Person 1: Ew! She's searching furry porn!
Person 2: What a degenerate!
Person 1: Wouldn't that make her an Avarie?


Avary is an amazing kind girl she is nice and pretty and very athletic and skinny she is also powerful. She can be shy at first, but once you get to know her she is crazy and charismatic. You wish you can be a friend with Avary because she is so awesome. Avary is also different and unique unsalted makes As, or Bs. Avary is also very caring if she wants to be, and is also very competitive when it comes to games.
Avary is such a friend!


Avari is an amazing girl and would do anything for you. If you ever meet one be graceful because you'll never meet anyone better. Just don't get on her bad side, because i made that mistake and she is hard to get back. Also, she is the most beautiful girl you will ever meet. Don't lose her, she is the best.
She is such an Avari!


avary is an amazing girl.
Dang avary is so cool


the loudest person you will ever here
avari is a loud person




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:33:28