midget ninga
Someone that cannot spell Midget Ninja...yes its Spelled N I N J A
Whats a Midget Ninga? Oh, Some dummy Spelled Ninja with a G!
midget ninga
He lurks in the shadows.
He stalks through the alleys.
He hides under tables and chairs.
And he owns the night!
He stalks through the alleys.
He hides under tables and chairs.
And he owns the night!
Hardened Criminal #1: Let us rob that old lady crossing the street.
Hardened Criminal #2: Look out! The Midget Ninga is here!
(the Midget Ninga mercilessly kicks their bollocks into next week)
Hardened Criminal #1: Ow! Now we shall be arrested, I suppose!
Hardened Criminal #2: Looks like!
(the police arrive and take them away)
Grateful Citizens: Thank you, Midget Ninga!
Hardened Criminal #2: Look out! The Midget Ninga is here!
(the Midget Ninga mercilessly kicks their bollocks into next week)
Hardened Criminal #1: Ow! Now we shall be arrested, I suppose!
Hardened Criminal #2: Looks like!
(the police arrive and take them away)
Grateful Citizens: Thank you, Midget Ninga!