miedes is a fictional character from fortnite. he is mostly known for his part in the song “boss battle” in fortnites lobby music, there is also a music video called “pretending” by HJDoogan, though he did not make the song. If you go to the youtube channel “ISPuddy” you can see this character in many of his videos. this is where miedes was created. he is well known for his terrifying smile and hysterical laugh. he also hates the storm and if you are to mention it, he will summon a doot doot device and attempt to flood the map again.
in other words, miedes is a walmart version of the popular fortnite character named midas.
in other words, miedes is a walmart version of the popular fortnite character named midas.
person 1: “hey look its miedes”
person 2: “pog, dont tell him the storm is coming dude”
person 2: “pog, dont tell him the storm is coming dude”