Mikkel is a god among peasant when you meet him you instantly get horny and he has the biggest dick in the world and is foreber gonna be a legend
mikkel is a god
Mikkel is used alot in northern Norway. Mikkel comes from the Saami name Mihkkal and has been translated to many languages. Mikkel has been translated to English as Michael and alot of people name their children so. Mikkel is synonymous with intelligence. If you want a child with extreme intelligence then name it Mikkel! If you want a child with extreme intelligence and good looks as well, then you should name your child Mikkel Isak. Because Mikkel is synonymous with intelligence as Isak is with good looks and strength.
Mikkel Isak is soo hot and Awesome, he even taught me math with 1 sentence
"Math = functions + Numbers"
"Math = functions + Numbers"
Mikkel is that guy that has alot of freinds in school but when hes home nobody wants to play with him so he just jerks off. he even looks at porn while chatting.
man 1:whats that fapping noise
man 2: oh thats just mikkel he watches porn
man 2: oh thats just mikkel he watches porn
Mikkel is a stupid kid who likes to do dangerous things. If you ever meet a Mikkel, u better count yourselves in. He is intelligent and good looking and if you have any problem with homework he will likely help you. Mikkel has a tragic background and that’s his source for doing all the dangerous shit he likes to do. He’s had it rough and that makes it hard for him to feel happy. If you meet a Mikkel he will probably do lots of stuff to make you happy again, if he hasn’t, think through again.
Mikkel often likes salty candy and probably lots of sour.
If you ever meet a Mikkel or know a Mikkel keep him close.
Mikkel often likes salty candy and probably lots of sour.
If you ever meet a Mikkel or know a Mikkel keep him close.
Oh shit! How did he do that?
I know right! He’s crazy!
Mikkel is so stupid!
I know right! He’s crazy!
Mikkel is so stupid!
Mikkel is a dangerous mouse that lives in Norway
Oh it's Mikkel, he's so scary
mikkel er manden, han er sød og sej og alle burde ha en mikkel. periodt
du gør det godt babygirl
du gør det godt babygirl
mikkel? ja, han er manden.
A man that types so fast LIKE A MONKEY
Mikkel: I wrote supercalifragilisticexpialidocious in less than a second