

俚语 mikołaj


A name for a legit Polish gangster. An individual with this name typically has an enormous penis and a lot of money.
Person 1: Hey bro, you know about that nigga Mikolaj?
Person 2: Yeah bro, that's nigga's a boss. He's the best.


A very sexy polish boy, with an amazing body and personality, he’s very loving and kind, hell always be there for you no matter what
Did you see mikolaj he’s so hot


Epic man with 47 girlfriends and he also runs the streets with his drillas.
Man: Mikolaj is girl hoarder


hot piece of polish meat. will treat you the best, Big dick energy.
He is such a Mikolaj!


A Person who is unique and has an amazing personality. Mikolaj can be trusted and his favorite subject is art.
Person #1: Did you see the new kid?
Person #2: Yeah! His name is Mikolaj and he is the Best!


A fat polish prick with a scrotum looking ass afro. He is physically weak and appears subhuman in nature. He has an attraction to fat human males and females.
Mikolaj is gay


Usually a sly lying asshole who will think he is good at everything and steal any character on a game that is good only once someone uses them
Person 1, hey have you been talking to mikolaj recently?
Person 2, no im staying away from that guy.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 2:53:06