

俚语 milched


Past tense. To have been under the impression or to have been without knowledge of the true sexual orientation or identity of an individual whom you are sexually or romantically interested.
"I was talking to this girl; I thought we had a real connection but I got milched! It turns out she's a lesbian."

"I was making out with this guy and I discovered that he was really a woman. Boy, I got milched!"


Mother I'd Like to CornHole; a hot older woman or cougar whose ass is delectable
She was probably about 40 years old but had a great looking ass; she was a total MILCH.


the process of adding copius amounts of jizz into cups of
orange juice
that fucking waitress milched in my drink....better go and eat her beef.


the fluid dripped from the corner of your mouth when sleeping
i slept so hard i milched on my pillow.


To take back something that is stolen from you
My car got stolen, but I milched it back.

milch talk

Speaking in iambic pentameter with a steady stream of obscenity, ala HBO's "Deadwood."
Voice from the box-"Welcome to Macdonald's, can I take your order?"

Driver-"Would a motherfucker be so fuckin' blind
as undiscerning to discern
the motherfuckin' value of fuckin value meal partook?"

Voice- "That'll be $6.49, please drive around to the second window, and thank you for choosing Motherfuckin' Macdonald's, Milch talker."

Milch mann

A german milk man. It also depends on which milk you're talking about
Oh look, its the milch mann!




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