

俚语 militarded


Thinking that the military is useful, when all it is is a lot of guys running around shooting and raping people. they like to kill innocent people, and are ignorant and below the common knowledge level.
Johnny: This is some good home made pizza.
Bob: I'd rather eat some rations.
Johnny: Will you please shut up about the military for 5 minutes? God, you are militarded.


When civilian police departments cross over to military tactics and equipment. The use of military doctrine in civilian situations-against the People, the same Citizens that the Police are sworn to protect.
The blurring of the lines between the military and police results in a militardation.

Today the Police responded in full militardation to a distraught teenager. Police were dressed fully in military equipment to include an armored personnel carrier and a sniper. The situation was resolved with a single bullet fired by the sniper- killing the teenager.


noun: A person who has become retarded emotionally and intellectually due to his (or her) enlistment in the military. Also, one who is not up to standard intellectual capabilities and only knows how to mindlessly follow orders. A militard is negatively affected by his (or her) service in the armed forces- he (or she) cannot think for him/herself and tends to be irrationally aggressive. The militard cannot function normally as a civilian, and is forever doomed to think like dumb ass.

See also, "asshat"
Dick, quit being a militard and start thinking for yourself! Damn!


A man or woman, usually in the military, who decides that everyone needs to know that they are in the military, were in the military, or support the military at all times.
"Hey do you see that guy over there with the Army hat, shirt, jacket, sweatpants, 3 bumper stickers, knife, belt buckle, tattoo, and wallet? And all of his kids are wearing that crap too?"
"he's a militard"


A person who blindly worships the army, military, soldiers and glorifies war. Strongly opposes people with pacifist opinions. Usually connected with strong feeling of nationalism.
Me: "I don't think wars and violence are the right solution."
Militard: "Shut the fuck up your fucking hippie! Stop living in a world of rainbows and unicorns and learn to fucking respect our great, heroic army which protects our lives every day and salute the beautiful flag of our magnificent country! Ffs the people are so sensitive pussies nowadays."


A MiliTard is usually a cuckservative or Boomercrat who worships the ground that veterans walk on. Their adoration for our troops extends to the segments of the military that basically do the bitch jobs that you’d find at 7/11, which winds up enabling the lowest common denominators of veterans to milk their time doing push-ups for federal minimum wage as much as possible.

A MiliTard will do everything in their power to justify the shitty things that dumb men do after their time in service runs out, often bestowing privileges on them and chalking up their failures to PTSD.
J: “wow, Bob the Veteran raped six kids overseas, got discharged, wound up raping several women at a frat party of a college he barely got admitted into as a 28 year old alcoholic.”
MiliTard: “well, you can’t judge him for that. Have you ever even served before?”
J: “uhh, no, why?”
MiliTard: “then you simply don’t know what you’re talking about. War does something to a man’s mind and you just wouldn’t get it. I suggest you know your place here, because I’m not going to standby and watch our heroes get degraded.”
J: “uhh, one of those girls Bob raped was your daughter though.”
MiliTard: “well, I’ve already spoken to her about not reporting veterans in the future. If we can enjoy our freedoms, my daughter can at least enjoy a little surprise dick.”




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:19:11