

俚语 averitis


Averic is a baller that would cross up and brack his friends ankels up especialy if their names were michael,myles and ramon.But will not push off crossover! (Fake crossover)
Averic is someone that would cross anybody up in basketball


Aver: is a spanish word that means “Let me see” or “Show me”. You might here it when you’re around ur hispanic friends, mostly Mexicans use this word when we speak spanglish.
guy 1: haha dude, this meme i just saw is so funny!

guy 2: aver lemme see!!!


cleanest nigga in the graff game, a true thug/player, many bitches on the daily
"look at the way jessy is surrounded by girls, he sure brought his aver game today



Pronounced: (ay-verr-us)

Definition: The word that means to be so much more than perfect. To exceed the level of perfection.

Implying that instead of someone wanting to be perfect, perfect wishes that it was them.
Guy: "You are so perfect"

Girl: "No I'm not"

Guy: "You're right... you're not perfect.... you're averous"

Girl: "Wow, thank you so much!"


Sacred Truth, told by a Truthsayer, an Averist.

'Instead of being selfish, and selling fish,
give a few away, like Jesus did.' -- Averist Marcus Hollman

avere la scimmia

Italian expression (literally "to have the monkey/ to got the monkey"). Typical of young people's slang. It has two principal meanings.

1. to have a strong obsession for somebody or something, or to desire something strongly. In the same meaning is used as well the reflexive verb "inscimmiarsi" (something that could be literally translated as "to be 'inmonkeyed'"). In particular, the expression is used in the drug-addicteds slang, meaning to be addicted to a drug or to have withdrawal symptoms for some drug.

2. To be in a bad mood or, in general, to be in a strange or particular but elusive mood
1. "Ho la scimmia per questo sito internet"
translation: lit. "I've got the monkey for this website."
meaning: "I'm obsessed with this website"

"Ha una bella scimmia per quel tipo"
translation: lit. "She's got a very good monkey for that guy"
meaning: "She really has a strong crush on that guy"

2. "Perchè sei così antipatico oggi? Cos'è, c'hai la scimmia?"
translation: lit. "Why are you so unpleasant today? What's up, have you got the monkey?"
meaning: "Why are you so unpleasant today? Are you in a bad mood?"

"Oggi Antonio è pazzo. Deve avere la scimmia."
translation: lit. "Antonio's mad today. He must have got the monkey."
meaning: "Antonio's mad today. He must be in a very unusual mood/ There's something strange (or wrong) in him/(or also) It must be happened something to him."

No se / aver que

officially agree to or accept as satisfactory.
Cuan do una persona quiere ir pero le gana la vergüenza y dice... No se / aver que




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