

俚语 milky cocoa puff

milky cocoa puff

One of the most disgusting forms of sexual pleasure. It is when a woman shits in her hands, followed by the man ejaculating on the pile of stinky shit. The man then blindfolds the woman, picks up the shit and semen combo, then throws it as hard as he can at her face while her mouth is open.
Dude, I totally milky cocoa puffed your mom last night you worthless piece of shit.

milky milky cocoa puffs

In the song 'My humps' The entire phrase after "she said" is the girl talking. This is important to note given that Will I Am is black 'your milk' refers to him and he is not the 'cocoa puffs'The girl he met was promiscuous and down for what ever. She is asking for his milk (semenal fluid, sperm, jizz) to be mixed with her cocoa puffs. Remember the old rhyme milk milk lemonade around the corner fugde is made. She is suggesting anal sex.
Mix your milk with my cocoa puffs, milky milky cocoa puffs.




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