

俚语 millennialize


When you take something that isn't from the millennial time frame and give it millenial qualities by adding fads from the millennial time frame.
Katie and Lexie repainted the renaissance painting with a fidget spinner, galaxy print, and a septum piercing in it as a way to millennialize it.


to remove any substance such as intellectual complexity, subtlety, or sophistication in favor of perceived style or swagger; to dumb down to the lowest common denominator in an attempt to appeal to everyone as often displayed by the culture, music, and arts of the Millennial Generation.
1.) J.J. Abrams Millennialized Star Trek in 2009.

2.) Ah crap I'm not going to see the new Robocop. You know they are just going to Millenialize it.

3.) Jim: "Wow old school hip hop is so much different than today's steaming pile of crap. Their lyrics used to have meaning, coherent structure, and wow they even told a story! What the hell happened?"

Jane: "Ah you know right around the late 1990s when MTV changed from showing music videos to reality TV, the only music being pushed was that that would appeal to the most people possible. Artists had to Millennialize their music to appeal to a new generation of culturually bankrupt, brainwashed, socially media addicted youth."

Jim: "Ah that makes sense. That's why music in general is just god awful these days. Well what comes next?"

Jane: "Collapse of Western Civilization.

4.) Jim: "Wow look at the difference between comedians of the past and comedians now. Eddie Murphy, George Carlin, and Chris Rock were actually intelligent, edgy, and creative. How did utter lame ass morons like Dane Cook ever become popular?"

Jane: "Either Dane Cook was never that funny or he Millenialized his act."


1. A generation for people born between 1980 and 2000, Millennials mainly grew up with arguments over who was the best Friends Character and wearing Jordans.
2. An insult used by old people or boomers that are mad they aren't keeping up with the times
1. Jen: "Hey Mel! Are you a Millennial?"
Mel: "Yes Jen, I was born in 1994, so I am a millennial"
2. Bernie: "These Damn Millennials on their skateboard with portable home phones and snappychat! Back in my day i had to work in the mines at 12 to provide wheat for my family! They know nothing about hardships!"


A misnomer used by Baby Boomers to express contempt for every whippersnapper and rapscallion younger than they are. It is synonymous with The Greatest Generation's use of the word "hippie."
Grandpa: These Millennials riding around in their Baby Bjorns, watching yeet memes on their iPhones, and telling Alexa to order more quinoa because they're too busy playing Fortnite to get off the davenport and go to the piggly wiggly! Get a job, Millennials!
Younger person: Grandpa, Millennials are like 35 now. They have 401(k)s and everything. Your cardiologist is a Millennial.
Grandpa: Stop back-sassing me, you Millennial!


Millennial is an identity given to a broadly and vaguely defined group of people. There are two wings of "Millennial" that are often at odds with each other: Generation Y (people born between 1981-1991) and Generation Z (born between 1991-2001). People of Generation Y often have characteristics similar to Generation X, which is why Generation Z will confuse Generation Y with Generation X and then claim to be the generation that represents "MIllennial," when in fact, birth years for Millennial range from about 1981-2001, just as the birth-years for Baby Boomers ranged from 1946-1964.
Both Generation Y and Generation Z can be called "Millennials," with the primary difference between the two being technology. Generation Y grew-up on personal computers, cell phones, and video game systems, while Generation Z has grown up on tablets, smartphones, and apps. Yet, the common ground between both generations is that both have been transforming and altering communication and identity--not just in the United States but globally.


Someone born in the 1980s or 1990s. Could vote in 2016 and can usually remember before 9/11.
Matt was born in 1990 and probably won't be able to buy a house. He is a Millennial.


Noun: Name an old person gives a young person they don't like.
Those millennials and their manbuns and their hip-hop, and their instagrams!!!




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