

俚语 mini fridge

mini fridge

a short person that is incredibly wide and takes up half a hall way
I was almost crushed by that mini fridge after lunch.

mini fridge

A conviently located window in karl's basement (Or any basement for that matter) used to keep beer cold.
Dylan: "grab me a beer from the mini fridge"
Karl: "the mini fridge?"
Dylan: "you know, the conviently located window in karl's basement used to keep beer cold."

mini fridging

Going into other peoples backyards and stealing beer from mini fridges. Particularly done at houses with a pool.
Person 1: Hey dude! I just went mini fridging and got a 12-pack of coors light!
Person 2: Dude! That's awesome!


Another word meaning you just got your ass kicked.

Based off of a old Bud-light commercial where a robot competition was taking place. The contester with a bad ass lookin’ robot goes up against a mini fridge on wheels... The guys try to grab the beer inside the mini fridge then, WHAM! A hugh jass hammer comes out from behind the mini fridge and absolutely destroys the contestants robot.
Person 1: Damn... you just mini-fridged them in that uno game
Person 2: haha get rekt

Mini Fridge

a vagina, aka va-jay-jay, or a Britney, or what they use to call it in elementary school, a foo foo.
I took the meat out of your mini fridge this morning.


Whoever just moved out of your mini fridge left something rank.


Please remove the cheese from your mini fridge.

Mini Fridge

For the kids of Farmingdale, the name used to refer to Mini Bridge (a place to socialize, drink, smoke, and party in the middle of the woods) during the winter.
Yo dude, where we goin' tonight?" "Let's hittup Mini Fridge? I hear sh*t's goin down!" "Alright, I'll get the beer.


a short, fat chick; someon who is too short for their weight; short and overweight.
man1: dayam! she's fine!
man2: i agree!
man1: whoah! she's not!
man2: yea, shes way too short for her weight! shes downright a mini-fridge!




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