

俚语 mini modding

Mini Modding

Mini Modding / Mini Moderating.

Mini Modding is when someone is trying to take over the job of Moderator.
This person is most likely willing to become an actual Moderator and is trying to act like one to show he/she is fit for it.
When someone is Mini Modding (Mini Moderating) he/she will try to take over small Moderator jobs like:

Telling people to post at the right place. EX: "Hey! Don't post that here! Post it in #nsfw"
Warning people. EX: "Stop swearing this is Warning 1"


A title given to a person that thinks they can moderate an action but really isn't in charge at all whatsoever.
"ChrisRCentral is such a fucking mini-mod!"

Mini mod

A "mini mod" is a term commonly used with networking communication services that require "moderators" to run, (E.G "discord"). Its a person that acts like a staff member / d
Make comments that are usually incorrect and annoying and gets in the way of the actual staff because they believe they are correct.
Moderator: you cant do (insert thing) here it's not allowed in this chat.
Jack: yeah bro that's not allowed, you can't do (incorrect comment) either!
Other member: jesus jack is such a "mini mod" he is so annoying.


a little bitch that HAS to always moderate when they aren't a mod, normally a high level, on discord, or a game, I swear to fucking god just shut up.
P1: yo, did you hear P4 god banned?
P2: hey guys, fwriendly remindur, no tawlking about bansth!
P5: OWNER Hey P2 can you not moderate, my mods get paid, and its not pleasant for a mini-mod to be here!

mini mod

A mini mod is someone who dick rides a mod and expects something in return like mod powers or praise, why you may ask? They don't get any attention at home or from anyone and they are social rejects who don't go outside often or talk to people in person, honestly this behavior makes me cringe
They will snitch on someone for the smallest rule infraction to the nearest moderator and expect something in return from the moderator, and that is what I call, a mini mod




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更新时间:2024/9/20 18:41:32