

俚语 minto


Usually used after the word willy to form the phrase 'willy mintos'

An announcement of elation and/or disbelief.
I've won the lottery? Willy Mintos!


A minto is a very special type of being that likes food, sweets ,and videogames
Damn, he's a Minto


A surname given to the most attractive species of male. These males are usually super smart, extremely funny and good at sports and other activities.
Girl 1. Look at that guy on the football field with the huge muscles and great general athleticism.

Girl 2. Yeah. He must be a Minto


Mintos is the ultimate lifeform. Mintos is perfect in every way and is the creator of the most important things in the universe such as Shrek, anime and the universe itself.


A catch all word for when something is agreeable, pretty good, very decent, really really good, or exceptional. Can be used anytime, anywhere when the situation calls for it

Variations include 'mintarino', 'minty fresh', 'willy mintos', 'minto sponinto
That festival was fucking minto

minto mall

The shittiest, most under cared for shopping centre in Campbelltown as of circa 2001 (it all went downhill from there).

The centre is infested with two dollar shops, and consists of: a wannabe Big W, rundown stores, an incomplete Woolies, a dead food court and just general debris.

When it rains, they put out buckets to catch the water seeping in through the holes in the ceiling. Niiiice.
Supermarket employee: One time on my way to work at Minto Mall, i tripped over a bucket and water splashed everywhere. It was embarassing.

Minto Mall is a target for wacky shoplifters and thieves.


N. A incorporation of middle aged rich white men who took land in Loxatchee and made it into a city, for the hell of it
Say no to Minto!




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