Verb; to collapse internally.
It is often used in connection with the Javiscone. Whenever a Javiscone collapses (often due to Nanoscone and Macroscone attacks), it is said to be misconstantuated. When one collapses, it has disastrous results, therefore misconstantuate is commonly used to express when something bad has happened.
It is often used in connection with the Javiscone. Whenever a Javiscone collapses (often due to Nanoscone and Macroscone attacks), it is said to be misconstantuated. When one collapses, it has disastrous results, therefore misconstantuate is commonly used to express when something bad has happened.
1. I misconstantuated the 21st Javiscone.
2. My day was misconstantuating
2. My day was misconstantuating