Danny Hamilton
That dude is pop-dissda-miskit
The most perfect person on earth. Often plays videogames like Animal Crossing, but can't even finish her island after 700+ hours on the game :) tRiEs To pLaY HoRRoR gAmES bUT EnDS Up GiVinG The ConTRoLLeR tO The PErsON ShE PLaYs WitH :(
Blinxe's sun on rainy days <3
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( Has a major crush on her besto friendo )
Blinxe's sun on rainy days <3
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( Has a major crush on her besto friendo )
- Who is this person ? She looks so hot omfg ! And she plays Animal Crossing too ?
- That must be the great Miskit !
- That must be the great Miskit !