noun. The urge for uncontrollable laughter as a reaction to news (usually political in nature) simultaneously coupled with an overwhelming feeling of sorrow, disgust, and/or dread. (Related to, but more specific than “craughing” or “craffing.")
origin. A portmanteau word first coined during the early Trump Administration. It comes from the Esperanto words “mizera” and “ridanta,” meaning “woeful (sorry) laughing.”
origin. A portmanteau word first coined during the early Trump Administration. It comes from the Esperanto words “mizera” and “ridanta,” meaning “woeful (sorry) laughing.”
“Today’s news overwhelmed me with mizeridanta.”
“Great political satire always taps into your sense of mizeridanta.”
“Sean Spicer’s announcement was so mizeridantic, I thought surely I was reading The Onion.”
“My feeling of mizeridanta leaves me not knowing whether to laugh or cry.”
“Great political satire always taps into your sense of mizeridanta.”
“Sean Spicer’s announcement was so mizeridantic, I thought surely I was reading The Onion.”
“My feeling of mizeridanta leaves me not knowing whether to laugh or cry.”