stands for "made me chuckle"
ruby: sends a meme
bev: mmc
bev: mmc
made me cry
that mmc
make me cum
mmc baby girl
male main character
The MMC in this book I'm reading is really funny!
(made me chuckle) half the time when people say lol, it's either not funny or just a little funny in which makes you end up chuckling.
That joke the new guy said was corny mmc.
Mean Maurya Chadarmod
A word used by many Indian Schoolers to haress their Maurya Friends and gives them the best feeling ever by doing that.
A word used by many Indian Schoolers to haress their Maurya Friends and gives them the best feeling ever by doing that.
Zurc : Who is that guy over there?
Suar: Oh! don't you know that's MMC~
Suar: Oh! don't you know that's MMC~
An acronym (Mutual Manual Coitus) that refers to the act of two people (m/f, f/f, m/m, etc.) simultaneously masturbating each other.
You down for some MMC tonight?