how has no one thought of this? its a paragraph long that's why.
in class
person 1: hey I'm really bored.
person 2: how much?
person 1: mnbvcxzpoiuytrewqzxcvbnmqwertyuioplkjhgfdsaasdfghjkl
teacher: and that is everything you need to know for the test. it is 50% of your grade.
person 1: I'm screwed.
person 1: hey I'm really bored.
person 2: how much?
person 1: mnbvcxzpoiuytrewqzxcvbnmqwertyuioplkjhgfdsaasdfghjkl
teacher: and that is everything you need to know for the test. it is 50% of your grade.
person 1: I'm screwed.