moderate muslim
A Muslim who wants a radical Muslim to kill the non muslims.
Most of the moderate Muslims never actually condemns the killings done by radical Muslims as the killings are already justified as per the commandments of their Allah.
moderate muslim
Muslims opposed to extremism and fundamentalism.
"Moderate muslims are fighting against AlQaeda"
Moderate Muslim
A Muslim who thinks the Ummah is still not powerful enough to take on the West and tries to compromise his practice of Islam temporarily. These people are prepared to wait until Muslim countries become powerful enough to threaten the civilized world.
These may also be muslims who practice taqiyya and tries to act peaceful.
These may also be muslims who practice taqiyya and tries to act peaceful.
guy with commonsense: Do you know what Saudi Arabia teaches its children?
Bush: C'mon. They're a country of moderate Muslims. Now let's take care of radicals like al-Qaeda and the tiny minority of extremists who malign the noble religion of Islam.
Bush: C'mon. They're a country of moderate Muslims. Now let's take care of radicals like al-Qaeda and the tiny minority of extremists who malign the noble religion of Islam.