

俚语 m.o.f.b.


M.O.F.B. is a uncommon term to refer to any one who eats blocks of cheese or any other aggregate there within. I someone is just M.O. they are just a ponzy F. boy who doesn't understand shyt about life. Or the polar opposite F.B. which quite literally translates to anyone who makes a sandwich and eats it then realizes the extent of 1-14 that they are a Fuk boi. When translated to the full extent M.O.F.B. in the most complex terms stands for Mothers of (the) federation (against anyone who thinks they are above the dynamics or society) {read a fucking book}. This all in lamest terms refers to a system which capitalizes on weak sauce and then packages it and sells it to taco bell.
You stupid MOF, if you could b anyone but yourself you would be at taco bell getting a super-burrito with shredded chicken. (M.O.F.B). M.O.F.B.- Matter of fault bro




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