Originating from Hyderabad where they make good biryani. A young moit who looked like Shahrukh Khan used to nut on the biryani before it was served as his father could not afford salad cream. He would then tell the customers that it was the best salad cream in the world and could be used as steroids. People would not believe his outrageous and fabricated lies
Did he just say he banged Sam the Man?His moitism is going way too far!!!
Originating from Hyderabad (province in India), a young boy who was obsessed with the Indian dish biryani used to make up stories and fabricate lies to make himself seem great
Did he just say he was going to be a doctor and Cambridge university? I think that must be his inner-moitism
Originating from the Telugu phrase," మీరు స్టుపిడ్ ఇడియట్" moitism is when you say something outrageous and false to make yourself seem good
Did he just say he had shex? Don't listen to his moitism