

俚语 mom jokes

Mom joke

Any lame joke that a mom makes and laughs way to hard at. Not to be confused with yo mamma jokes.
Alex: did you hear that terrible joke that your mom made?

Obi: yeah, she thought it was funny but it was a total mom joke.

mom jokes

The oldest kind of jokes in the book...a joke about someone's mom...usually stupid and unecessary.
"Yo momma is so fat..."
"Shut the fuck up. Mom jokes are so 10 years ago..."

mom joke

A mom joke is when someone makes a joke and laughs really hard at it but no one else does. It's pretty much PAST the "fake laugh joke" point.
Bob: Hey hey what did the kids say to the rabbi? Silly rabb-
Joe: Say another fucking mom joke and I'm gonna slit your throat.

mom joke

A lame joke, pun, or play on words that your mom would say, such as "have a nice trip, see you next fall". Does not have to be told by your mom, just has to be lame.
"Hey Trevor, have a nice trip, see you next fall! Haha!"

"Dude, that was fucking lame."

"Yeah man, that was a total mom joke."

Mom jokes

something really mild and possibly a pun, about the kids or the husband or cooking dinner every night. the most vanilla, suburban joke known to man
"i was making paul a sandwich yesterday, and its halloween soon, so i used a spooky cookie cutter to make it cute!! now it's a sandWITCH!"
"ugh, im sick of your mom jokes"

Mom Jokes

Dad jokes that try to teach you a lesson.
"That's not a bold idea, that's a bad idea!" said Senator Amy Klohbuchar while updating her special skills to include mom jokes.

Mom Joke

When a hilarious joke is told only to be followed by a lame attempt to make it funnier by useing a cheesy comparison. Usally made by a mom/mother.
P1: Why did the chicken cross the road?
P2: why?
P1: to get the the other side
Mom: Haha like a turkey
Everyone else: O_O ugh mom joke




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